22 recettes inédites tous niveaux * 100 pages avec des étapes guidées et illustrées (en Français) Compatible sur tous les supports numériques _____________________________________________ 22 новых рецепта для всех уровней * 100 страниц с пошаговыми инструкциями и иллюстрациями (на французском языке) |
A Maine breakfast is more than just blueberries. Dana Moos of the Maine Innkeeping Academy shows you how to whip up a delicious and beautiful breakfast, whether you're cooking for your out-of-state in-laws or running your own B&B. Maine is a travel destination, and its B&Bs are some of the most visited places in the state. Dana Moos, the former innkeeper of the Kingsleigh Inn in Southwest Harbor, has great advice on serving a breakfast that not only tastes great but looks good too. Perfect for B&B owners, but also great for folks with out-of-town guests, this book makes creating an artful and tasty breakfast easy. |
A true cornucopia, The New Oxford Book of Food Plants overflows with information and is packed with beautiful, hand-painted illustrations of the worlds food plants. In an oversized format with alternating full-page color plates, readers will find a feast of facts about cereals, sugar crops, oil seeds, nuts, legumes, fruits, vegetables, spices, herbs, sea-weeds, mushrooms, wild food plants, and much more. This new edition is fully updated with the latest nutritional research, as well as beautiful new illustrations and descriptions of many exotic edible plants that have only recently found their way into our markets and onto our kitchen tables. This is the most comprehensiveand most appealing reference book available on the many edible plants we grow in our gardens, buy in our shops, and eat with great relish. For example, readers will find authoritative coverage of fruit worldwide, both the varieties we commonly find at our local food stand (apples, oranges, strawberries, kiwi, bananas), and some we do not ordinarily see (mangosteen, manzanilla, marang, tamarind, or whortleberry). |
Get inspired to make delicious food any day of the week with this playful and inventive cookbook featuring 100 recipes from the creator of Instagram’s “Fridge Foraging” series. With more than a hundred ideas and a photo for every recipe, Simple Beautiful Food will have you making delicious dishes any day of the week. Author Amanda Frederickson shares enticing breakfast bites such as Sweet and Savory Yogurt Bowls, easy work lunches such as Salmon and Avocado Nori Wraps, and delicious dinners such as One-Pot Chicken with Orzo and Sun-Dried Tomatoes. She also provides “choose your own adventure” riffs where one ingredient is used in many different ways, giving you greater flexibility and confidence in the kitchen. |
Вийшовши в світ 2017 року книга американського письменника Джона Гріна – «Черепахи аж до низу» відразу стала бестселером. З появою творів цього автора у світі почалася нова ера сучасної, реалістичної підліткової літератури. Цей драматичний і відвертий роман про шістнадцятирічну Ейзе, яка страждає від психічного розладу, властивого багатьом підліткам у період швидкого фізичного дозрівання. Її тривожність викликана думками про постійну присутність мільярдів мікробів всередині та зовні неї, серед яких мільйони хвороботворних. Дівчинка постійно бореться з цими страхами. Вони дуже нав'язливі, але вона намагається жити тим життям, яким хоче, бути хорошим другом, хорошою дочкою й ученицею. Її подруга пропонує зайнятися розслідуванням – розшукати втікача мільярдера, тим більше, що за це обіцяна нагорода в сто тисяч доларів. Дівчата намагаються зблизитися з сином втікача Девісом. Що з цього вийде – дізнаєтеся самі. |
Japanese food continues to grow in popularity in the United States. Yet enjoyment of Japanese cooking is still largely limited to an occasional night out at a Japanese restaurant, and for far too long it has been assumed that this food is difficult to make in one's own kitchen. Actually, Japanese cooking is surprisingly simple. Raw ingredients should be glistening fresh and of the best quality, and flavors, however elaborate, are built up from just two basic seasonings - dashi, an easily made, delicate stock, and shoyu, naturally brewed Japanese soy sauce. This cookbook is much more than an accumulation of recipes. In his preface, the author (whom Craig Claiborne calls "a sort of Renaissance man of Japanese and world gastronomy") discusses the essence of Japanese cooking, with its emphasis on simplicity, a balance of textures, colors, and flavors, seasonal freshness, and beauty of presentation. The expertise of the staff of the professional cooking school headed by the author is evident throughout the book. |
The Easiest Way to Make Sandwich Breads, Pizzas, Pretzels, Bagels, Cornbreads, and So Much More! Rebecca Lindamood, author of Not Your Mama’s Canning Book, is here to teach you how to make fluffy, golden, perfectly-crusted breads with beginner-friendly doughs that ease you into the wonderful world of baking. With recipes that cut down on prep and carefully guide you through proofing, rolling, and rising techniques, you don’t need to be a professional―or even an amateur―to dive in and quickly start wowing everyone with your loaves, rolls, twists, and more! |
Take your plant-based pies to another level. In Pies and Tarts with Heart, popular blogger Dynise Balcavage shares her straight-forward wisdom about kitchen fundamentals and the most effective pie-making techniques. From Apple Pie to S’more Pie—and everything in between—these 60+ recipes will make you shine in your pastry pursuits, whether you are a beginner or a veteran pie maker. Inside you’ll discover: Instructions for building your pie, from the basics to baking * How to roll, stretch, and bake a respectable crust in no time * Sweet pies: traditional, decadent, nutty, citrusy, and more * Savory pies: including Tomato Tart, Greek Spinach Pie, and Cornish Pasties * Stocking a pie-making pantry: the ingredients and equipment you’ll need * A variety of gluten-free, low-fat, kid-friendly, raw, and no-bake options |
Новгородское княжество ждет большая война. Неслыханное войско идет на его земли. Как справится князь с этой бедой? И справится ли? |
После грандиозной и кровопролитной битвы граф Аверин с Кузей поступают на службу в Управление. Герои заслужили отдых, но даже в родном Петербурге настали не самые спокойные времена: погибло слишком много колдунов и дивов, Российской империи необходимо выстраивать отношения не только с другими государствами, но и с Пустошью. |